Monday, July 1, 2024

LCTCS Announces No Tuition Increase for 2024–2025, Continuing Nine-Year Freeze

by BIZ Magazine

Baton Rouge, LA — In a unanimous decision at the Louisiana Community and Technical College System (LCTCS) Board of Supervisors’ Executive Committee meeting today, the LCTCS announced that tuition costs and mandatory fees will remain unchanged for the 2024–2025 academic year. This marks the ninth consecutive year that the system has maintained a tuition freeze, reinforcing its commitment to affordability, access to education, and workforce development.

The decision comes at a time when rising costs have become a significant challenge for many Americans. By keeping tuition steady, LCTCS aims to alleviate financial pressures on students and their families, enabling them to pursue higher education and workforce training without the added burden of increased tuition fees.

“Financial hardship should not be an immutable barrier to students who are eager to pursue a college credential,” said Willie Mount, Chair of the LCTCS Board of Supervisors. “We are here to support those students’ journeys and empower them to reach their fullest potential.”

To further support students, the Board is encouraging colleges to explore new fundraising initiatives and promote financial aid opportunities such as the M.J. Foster Promise Program, which opened for applications on June 1, 2024. The M.J. Foster Promise award provides financial assistance to eligible students enrolled in two-year public post-secondary institutions and accredited proprietary schools. This program targets those pursuing associate degrees or shorter-term credentials in high-demand fields like construction, healthcare, information technology, manufacturing, and transportation.

“Providing students with high-quality programs that serve them and serve Louisiana well has always been our priority,” said Dr. Monty Sullivan, President of LCTCS. “Keeping tuition affordable for nearly a decade sends a clear message that we’re doing our part to provide an affordable, top-quality college education with clear pathways that lead to advanced degrees and in-demand jobs. With our enrollment returning to pre-pandemic numbers, our colleges are lifting the citizens of Louisiana through affordable access and building an economy that will thrive.”

The LCTCS’s steadfast approach to maintaining tuition levels underscores its dedication to making higher education accessible and ensuring that financial barriers do not hinder students’ academic and career aspirations.

For more information on the M.J. Foster Promise Program and other financial aid opportunities, visit the LCTCS website.

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