Wednesday, October 2, 2024

U.S. Chamber webinar to explain how support of military spouses creates better business for all

by BIZ Magazine

Military spouses have widely faced professional challenges, driven by a lack of employment opportunities and connections between service members, veterans, and civilian employers, as well as a deficiency of resources and support that has made it difficult to pursue careers or entrepreneurial endeavors. 

Now, through grassroots efforts and partnerships with both the private and nonprofit sectors, military spouses are finding more employment opportunities — impacting our nation from the local, community level to the national security level. An untapped market of knowledgeable and motivated workers, military spouses can provide an impactful solution to the nation’s worker shortage.

The US Chamber Foundation has created a Hiring our Heroes program to help both employers and military families connect and find gainful employment.

This webinar focuses on the value and the opportunities available from military spouse employment –

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